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Ultra Fine Biostone .01 Micron Filters
* Used Exclusively in the latest Jupiter Water Ionizers

ultra filter


The Ultra Fine .01 Micron Biostone granulated silver impregnated carbon filter is designed for use with Microlite, Melody, Orion and Aquarius models. Also called a hollow membrane filter this filter is the same size filter that is used in kidney dialysis.  It is the finest (smallest micron) domestic filter available and will remove virtually everything except for the essential alkalizing minerals.
Typically, if on city water we recommend the regular Biostone filter but for well water and where there is hyper-allergy issues we recommend the .01M Biostone filter.
The picture above shows a single .01M filter magnified 40 times. Hundreds of these are in a Biostone Ultra Filter.

We also carry the most comprehensive range of pre-filters and whole home systems in the USA.
If you have special needs then please do not hesitate to call our Toll Free number found on our Contact Us Page.

See Also: Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi, Sizes and Significance

How do I know when my Jupiter filter needs to be replaced?
All the latest Jupiter Science ionizers have a digital readout that shows how long before you need to change your filter. A filter typically lasts a family of four between 8 to 9 months and gives a good 1000 gallons of water. We recommend changing the filter at least once every 12 months to ensure quality performance. How often you change your filter will depend on the quality of your water and the amount of water you are using each day on average. If you smell or taste chlorine in your water after it passes through your Ionizer you should change your filter. In some city water supplies the amount of chlorine now used is at higher levels than before due to increases in contaminants. Also if you notice that the flow rate through your filter has decreased to a slow rate then it is probably because it is full of particles and now needs replacement.

The tourmaline in this patented, state-of-the-art filter really makes a difference to the ability of the water to carry an ionized charge naturally. As the water passes over the tourmaline crystals the ORP is naturally decreased and the water made more bio-available. What this means is if water passes through your Jupiter - even with the power turned off - the water will come out more ionized!

Who needs a Hollow Membrane (Ultra Biostone) Filter?

Anyone who wants the finest carbon domestic filter available in the world today. The regular Biostone filter is, nevertheless, an excellent choice for typical city water. It only cost about $3.00 per week for quality clean, alkaline, ionized water for all your family's drinking and cooking needs; a much better deal than $20.00 or more a week for bottled water.


Other Water Ionizer Choices

The New Life Ionizer 7600 IonWays Athena KYK Genesis 30000 The New Life Ionizer 8100 IonWays Delphi
IE-900 Japanese Model KYK Genesis 25000 KYK Harmony 9040 Life Ionizer 7500 Life Ionizer 5000 Life Ionizer 7000 Life Ionizer 8000 Jupiter Orion JP109 Jupiter Aquarius JP108
IE-900 MicroWater Ionizer KYK Genesis 25000 KYK Harmony 9040 Life Ionizer 7500 Life Ionizer 5000 Life Ionizer 7000 Life Ionizer 8000 Jupiter Orion Jupiter Aquarius

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The statements enclosed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.




















































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